One’s ability to change is highly dependent on the culture of a company. Very often, however, corporate culture is discredited as “soft factor” and as fig leaf of self-portrayal. But it has long been proven that corporate success is governed to a great degree by corporate culture. The guiding light is a constitutive element.
During times of ongoing change it becomes a chart for successful evolution. However, many companies make heavy weather of implementing their guiding light. First when the guiding light becomes experienced reality – and only then – does it take on significance in the working everyday of employees.
Every guiding light is only as good as it is encountered in everyday operations. It must be the yardstick for corporate action, it should purposefully reveal latitudes for action, define boundaries and determine mutual cooperation. The guiding light throws transparency on corporate goals, presents the fundamentals, reveals the measures and means
needed for their implementation and highlights the relevance of the work of each individual employee. It is therefore the infrastructure for communicating and dealing with change. It is the principle for orientation and action of employees, customers and other stakeholders. It generates trust and thus pilots the way to sustainable, business success.
The process of developing a guiding light is just as important as its effectiveness. It is part of a process of change, which comprises three fundamentals and factors for success:
Participation: employees should have influence on the development of the guiding light. Participation is the basis for motivation and the readiness to shoulder responsibility.
Operative relevance: employees should be aware of their own individual contribution in filling the guiding light with life. Structures and procedures within the company should support the process of change.
Solution orientation: each employee should be aware of the challenges that must be overcome. Problems show where potentials and weaknesses lie. Value appreciating dialogue enables constructive feedback.
Cyriax applies the guiding light principle as key instrument of change management. We regard change as a discourse, we identify culture patterns, localise needs for change and work out a transformation programme together with our clients. For more information, write to Ulrich Cyriax on