The “Pull Index” is a simple and precise method of measuring and comparing the attractiveness of brands. The method interlinks all brand proprietors, which in various surveys would be evaluated separately and isolated from each other. The
fundamental idea is quite simple: the instrument addresses the rationale that each promise must be adhered to. Only then is a brand credible. The higher the conformity between promise and its fulfillment, the higher is the attractiveness of the brand.
The Pull Index measures the strengths and weaknesses of a brand in view of reputation, experience and satisfaction and delivers a meaningful basis for the realistic attractiveness of a brand. The findings of this survey are comparable
for all companies, regardless of their branch, and give rise to direct recommendations for action in operative business. It is also possible to specifically learn from other companies to precisely improve the magnetism of a brand within the target group.
The method was tested in a representative survey with 1,163 customers of the brands Deutsche Bank, Fielmann, Radeberger and Adidas. Interesting, above all, is the comparison between brands that have no direct relationship. Interesting too, was that Deutsche Bank could learn from Fielmann and vice versa. In order to evaluate the attractiveness specific to the target group, three groups
between the ages of 18 to 55 were surveyed. The evaluation of the findings revealed that Deutsche Bank could substantially improve the attractiveness and appeal of its brand if it was positioned more generation-spanning and more sympathetic/human across all product experiences. The steps needed to implement such changes can be derived in detail from the Pull Index.
With the Pull Index Cyriax has developed a straightforward and practice-oriented method for measuring the influence of a brand on corporate success. We thereby interlink the key brand proprietors and supply in-depth and fact-based recommendations for action. For more information, write to Ulrich Cyriax on