A team is more than simply a group of people working together. A winning team pursues mutual goals and has members who actively participate and reciprocally inspire.
An excellent team is the best prerequisite for top corporate performance. Team development is no coincidence, it is an active and systematic process.
Team development promotes team spirit, increases readiness for cooperation and improves working efficiency. Moreover, dissatisfaction is addressed and ideally eliminated. Starting point is usually an analysis of the current situation and its assessment. Group exercises reveal mechanisms and dynamism within the team. Competencies are enhanced, cooperation structures are newly arranged.
The outcome is a strengthening of the team, it is given a clear-cut and transparent organisation. It becomes more flexible and creative. Communication in the team flows (again). Each member acquires clarity on her/his own standing and the interfaces to others. Conflicts are harmonised. A group of individuals turns into a real team and new team members find their position. The team’s full potential unfolds. Fun included!
The success factors of an excellent team:
- The team has an inspired vision and pursues binding accepted goals.
- Unequivocal, mutual rules of the game and good chains of information prevail
- The opportunity exists to openly voice constructive dissatisfaction
- Each member has a clearly defined role
- Each individual has the responsibility to contribute
- Adequate latitude prevails for creativity and own initiative
- Team success has precedence over individual success
- Open communication is a must, speaking with and not about one another
- Feedback offers the opportunity for personal further development
Cyriax has a comprehensive method repertoire to activate you team. We are familiar with the success factors for teamwork. Our workshops for team development are customized and tailored to the specific situation of your team. For more information, write to Hans-Ulrich Cyriax on cyriax@cyriax-partners.com.